
Brown School faculty and students receive Global Pilot Research Grants

We are pleased to announce that the following Brown School faculty and doctoral students received Global Pilot grants. Faculty were awarded up to $5000 and doctoral students up to $2500 to support ongoing or new research project taking place globally.


  • Andrea Spray Bulungu – Systematic Scoping Review of the Linkages to Maternal Mental Health in the Perinatal Period
  • Assistant Professor Mitra Naseh – A Feasibility Study of a Virtual Mental Health Intervention for Forcibly Displaced Individuals by Natural Disasters and Wars and Conflicts
  • Professor Rodrigo Reis – Advancing People, Health & Place research and practice in Brazil
  • Research Assistant Professor Ilana Seff – Refugee Success: Developing a Refugee-grounded Measure and Understanding Determinants

Doctoral Students

  • Hannah Kinzer – Adapting a Participatory Dengue Prevention Mobile Application in Thailand
  • Jihye Lee – Breaking Barriers: Unraveling the Impact of Financial Aid Policies on Social Mobility for DACA Recipients in Missouri
  • Luissa Vahedi – Novel Applications of Syndemic Theory for Global Public Health: Considerations for Gender Based Violence and Mixed Methods Research
  • Yuanyuan Yang – Fostering Rural Children’s Social-emotional Competence in China: a Baseline and One-year Follow Up Assessment