We are pleased to announce that the following Brown School faculty and doctoral students received Global Pilot grants. Faculty were awarded up to $5000 and doctoral students up to $2500 to support ongoing or new research project taking place globally.
- Andrea Spray Bulungu – Systematic Scoping Review of the Linkages to Maternal Mental Health in the Perinatal Period
- Assistant Professor Mitra Naseh – A Feasibility Study of a Virtual Mental Health Intervention for Forcibly Displaced Individuals by Natural Disasters and Wars and Conflicts
- Professor Rodrigo Reis – Advancing People, Health & Place research and practice in Brazil
- Research Assistant Professor Ilana Seff – Refugee Success: Developing a Refugee-grounded Measure and Understanding Determinants
Doctoral Students
- Hannah Kinzer – Adapting a Participatory Dengue Prevention Mobile Application in Thailand
- Jihye Lee – Breaking Barriers: Unraveling the Impact of Financial Aid Policies on Social Mobility for DACA Recipients in Missouri
- Luissa Vahedi – Novel Applications of Syndemic Theory for Global Public Health: Considerations for Gender Based Violence and Mixed Methods Research
- Yuanyuan Yang – Fostering Rural Children’s Social-emotional Competence in China: a Baseline and One-year Follow Up Assessment