We are delighted to congratulate our colleagues on their Spring 2024 Here and Next awards for their vital work in a diverse array of areas:
- Professor Fred Ssewamala, Vice Provost of Interdisciplinary Initiatives Mary McKay, and Professor Patricia Cavazos-Rehg have been awarded a Transcend Initiative Grant for a transdisciplinary center focused on HIV and associated mental health and structural comorbidities within the global context.
- Drs. Lindsay Stark, Julia López, and Jeremy Goldbach have secured a Proposal Development award to enhance support for LGBTQ+ asylum seekers in Mexico. This funding will enable the team to establish partnerships with agencies operating along the Texas-Mexico border, aiming to collaboratively develop a research agenda and secure large-scale funding for future priority research projects.
- Research Associate Professor Ozge Sensoy Bahar, Associate Professor Penina Acayo Laker and University of Ghana colleagues have received an Ignite Interdisciplinary Grant to develop age-appropriate, culturally relevant signage and visual messaging around adolescent girls’ unaccompanied migration for work and associated risks in Northern Ghana.
Learn more about all award recipients.