
New Research Grants Advance Brown School’s International Research Efforts

We congratulate the following Brown School faculty and doctoral students on being selecting for research grants to support ongoing or new research projects taking place globally.

  • ‘Assessing Knowledge, Attitudes, and Acceptance of Undetectable = Untransmittable (U=U) HIV Prevention Messaging among Youth Living with HIV’ Assistant Professor Proscovia Nabunya
  • ‘Senior Housing and Community for Older Adults as Aging in Place (AIP) enabler: An international Perspective’ Associate Professor Sojung Park
  • ‘Exploring implementation strategy-mechanisms linkages in the Open Streets Program Ciclovia in Bogota, Colombia, to assess their potential for public health promotion’ Assistant Professor Diana Parra Perez
  • ‘Striving for Self-Sufficiency: Exploring the Experiences of Refugees with Low Literacy in Maine’ Saria Bechara (PhD in Social Work student)
  • ‘Key Stakeholder Consultations to inform the adaptation of an Economic Empowerment Intervention among Adolescent Girls in Ghana’ Portia Nartey (PhD in Social Work student)
  • ‘Coping with Adversity: Exploring the Role of Protective Factors and their Impact on Education Outcomes Of Adolescents Living with HIV in Low-Resource Settings’ Jennifer Nattabi (PhD in Social Work student)
  • ‘Mental Health Interventions on Adolescence with Depression and Anxiety in Low- and Middle-Income Country: A Systematic Review of the Evidence’ Shuya Yin (PhD in Social Work student)