Ilana Seff, DrPH
Dr. Ilana Seff's research agenda focuses on improving the lives of vulnerable and marginalized populations across the globe using evidence-based solutions. Her broad research experience and interests include the prevention of violence against women and girls, particularly in humanitarian settings; social norms related to violence; and the psychosocial well-being and mental health of refugees and displaced populations.
Dr. Ilana Seff’s research agenda focuses on improving the lives of vulnerable and marginalized populations across the globe using evidence-based solutions. Her broad research experience and interests include the prevention of violence against women and girls, particularly in humanitarian settings; social norms related to violence; and the psychosocial well-being and mental health of refugees and displaced populations. Current projects include: a UNICEF study that examines how women and girls’ safety, wellbeing, and access to services have been affected by COVID-19 in Italy, Iraq, Guatemala, Brazil, and Zimbabwe; Sibling Support for Adolescent Girls in Emergencies (SSAGE), a family-focused intervention to improve family functioning and shift gender norms in northern Nigeria, Jordan and Niger; and the Study of Adolescent Lives after Migration to America (SALaMA), which aims to assess the psychosocial well-being of and best practice supports for adolescents resettled to the US from Arab-majority countries.